

big bang solutions - rob keniger - australiaMenuMachine
de nijs designAdobe GoLive

yeah, that's me, text on bright RED - if you got a “good browser”, otherwise I can tell you, I am the text associated with the RED link on the left.

I'm just a bit of greek text, no more, but also not less, so don't play fool on me or dare to ignore me. It's a hard job actually. Requires self-confidence to a great extent.

You know, people are alway annoyed to get texts like me. I don't know what in the world they expected to read, they could not even tell if you asked them, but they are disappointed... They frown their forheads, sigh exaggerated, pretend yawning and things like that.

They are so egoistic and self-indulgent!

Not for the glimpse of a moment it comes to their mind, that the only reason me and my mates stand here bravely day after day, is that they are imcapable of imagination!

Yes, that's it, they need us to pretend text and colours and layout and things like that, because they need something visualized to get an idea...